Choose a file format to download your customized drawing

Generating your customized drawing...

Your customized drawing file is ready for download

If your browser does not support the download button above, and paste into a new text file named myfile.txt on your computer.
JavaScript code editor
var makerjs = require('makerjs');
this.paths = {
    head: new makerjs.paths.Circle([0, 0], 90),
    eye: new makerjs.paths.Circle([25, 25], 10),
    mouth: new makerjs.paths.Arc([0, 0], 50, 225, 315),
    wink: new makerjs.paths.Line([-35, 20], [-15, 20])
this.notes = '# Welcome to the Maker.js playground \n You can edit the JavaScript code, then click **Run** to see your drawing.';

//press enter here to add more blank lines

The Maker.js Playground is a sample app demonstrating the features of the Maker.js core library. You can build your own apps using Maker.js, or it can be used command-line style with Node.js.
